Frequently asked questions about the liberalized electricity market

What is a liberalized electricity market? Who and how can join? What are the steps? Here you will get the exact answers to these questions.

What is a liberalized market of electricity?

So far, most consumers in Bulgaria know only about the regulated electricity market. The price of electricity is determined by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) - an independent specialized state institution, and electricity suppliers are also determined by the state. In the process of liberalization of the electricity market, consumers will have the opportunity to choose their supplier. This will lead to competition, improved service quality, further investment in the sector and price benefits for consumers. 

Every business site connected to low voltage must choose an electricity supplier by October 1, 2020. If this does not happen, he stays with the electricity distribution company (EDC) at prices agreed by him.

What is liberalization of the market?

Every customer / site that is on medium voltage must be on the free electricity market. According to the new regulation, all businesses that are connected at low voltage level must choose an electricity supplier by October 1, 2020.

Who does the liberalization apply to?

It applies to all business entities using electricity.

What is the deadline for changing your electricity supplier?

By 1 October 2020, the change of electricity supplier must be conveyed. To this end, you must allow sufficient time to comply with all procedural requirements. If you are on the regulated market (for one of the DSOs), the process of changing the supplier takes longer. It is advisable to start the replacement procedure as soon as possible and no later than September 4 to make sure you get the best conditions.

The change of supplier takes place between the 1st and the 10th of the month. The actual supply of electricity starts on the 1st of the month after the submission of the documents. Upon entry on August 1-10, the actual delivery will be on September 1.

Is it mandatory to switch my electricity supplier?

Yes, according to the new regulations, it is highly recommended to carry out full market liberalization. If the sites do not have a supplier, they remain with the respective DSO at prices agreed by the electricity distribution company (DSO).

Are personal entities obliged to switch their supplier?

If they are business entities, it is recommended. There is still no mandatory regulation for household customers. It is expected to enter into force effectively in 2021.

Where can I find a list of all licensed electricity suppliers?

On the website of the electricity system operator (ESO) → section liberalized market → lists → register of coordinators standard balancing group. And also on the website of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC).

What do I gain by switching the supplier?

You will have real and effective optimization of electricity costs. You can optimize your cost by up to 15%.

How do I change my supplier?

  1. The client provides an up-to-date invoice. Based on the invoice, the trader prepares an analysis of electricity consumption. The trader prepares an offer. The delivery of electricity always starts from the first day of the month following the submission of applications. It is important to check whether you have overdue payments, even if they are minimal, as such payments will stop the procedure for changing the electricity supplier.
  2. .
  3. Търговецът подготвя оферта
  4. Клиентът заверява нотариално пълномощно по образец
  5. Клиентът подписва Договор за доставка на ел. енергия.
  6. Предоставя фактура с обектите, които желае да бъдат регистрирани.
  7. Доставчикът входира необходимите заявления между 1 и 10 число на месеца.
  8. Доставката на ел. енергия винаги започва от първо число на месеца, следващ подаването на заявленията.

Важно е да проверите дали имате просрочени плащания, дори да са минимални, тъй като наличието на такива ще спре процедурата по смяната на доставчика на електроенергия.

Why should I choose Energy Market as my electricity supplier?

Energy Market JSC has been on the market since 2005 and offers several major advantages over other electricity traders. With us you can take advantage of a three-month test period. The client can cancel our services at any time and choose another merchant by submitting a one-month notice. We have a liberal attitude towards payments - interest and penalties are charged in very rare cases. The penalties provided for in the contract are in the amount specified in the law. We have a personal relationship with customers, we provide full assistance in preparing for a change of supplier.

What does my invoice include?

After joining the Balance Group of the trader (Energy Market) you will receive an invoice with several components:

  • supply - the actual amount of electricity consumed in the respective month.
  • законоустановени нормативни такси – акциз, задължение към обществото, ДДС, мрежови услуги.

Who determines the prices of the free electricity market?

A balancing group is a synthesis of the various customers in the electricity trader's portfolio. This allows balancing the irregular surplus or shortage of projected electricity consumption. Energy Market is the coordinator of a standard balancing group and includes clients of different natures - hospitals, universities, municipalities, water companies, corporate clients, production, services, shops, wood processing plants and many others. They all have a different consumption profile and balance each other based on our analysis.

What is a balancing group? What is a coordinator of a balancing group?

A balancing group is a synthesis of the various customers in the electricity trader's portfolio. This allows balancing the irregular surplus or shortage of projected electricity consumption. Energy Market is the coordinator of a standard balancing group and includes clients of different natures - hospitals, universities, municipalities, water companies, corporate clients, production, services, shops, wood processing plants and many others. They all have a different consumption profile and balance each other based on our analysis.


Liberalized market

Conditions and steps for joining


Individual offer



Energy Market

Reliable supplier of electricity